January 18, 2025
Warzone 2

The Most Overpowered Battle Rifle in Warzone 2 Update!

Call of Duty Season 2: Warzone 2 introduces players to a small Japanese-themed island map called Ashika. This latest free-to-play Battle Royale video game lets players discover a world of castles, quaint residential areas, underground waterways, and more.

Call of Duty: Warzone 2.0 Overview

The Warzone 2 is developed by Raven Software and Infinity Ward for Windows, PlayStation 4 and 5, Xbox One, and Xbox Series X and S. This Battle Royale video game is the 2020’s Call of Duty: Warzone sequel. It is also part of 2022’s Call of Duty: Modern Warfare II. However, it does not require players to buy the title.

Call of Duty: Warzone 2 was introduced during the Modern Warfare II Season 1 content. The game was officially revealed in September 2022 by Activision at Call of Duty Next. Then, it was released on the 6th of November, 2022.

Players start out Call of Duty: Warzone 2 with a limited inventory, allowing extracted loot storage from matches. They can expand this inventory by completing faction missions. This allows for more loadout weapon categories or a chance to unlock cosmetic rewards and base weapons that are usable in both Call of Duty: Warzone 2.0 and Modern Warfare II.

Warzone 2

Update Highlights

Warzone 2 was officially released alongside Modern Warfare II Season 1.

Players needed to restart their game after the release of Call of Duty: Warzone 2 for a sizeable update of around 34GB. For Xbox users, the update is about 68GB.

While the new update showed no change in the Modern Warfare II itself, a new main launcher screen was added with two options: Modern Warfare I, Warzone: DMZ (Beta), and Warzone: Battle Royale.

Activision released new information and a trailer about the Battle Pass Season 1, a cross-progression across Modern Warfare II and Warzone 2.

Players can unlock sectors while progressing rather than a linear 100 tiers to unlock. The Battle Pass looks like a turn-based strategy game or board game.

Below are some of the Call of Duty: Warzone 2 update highlights:

File Sizes from Activision Publishing, Inc.

Warzone 2 Only 

  • Steam: 22.6GB
  • Battlenet: 23.6GB
  • Xbox One: 70GB
  • Xbox Series X/S: 62GB
  • PS4: 55.7GB
  • PS5: 65.5GB

Modern Warfare II (Including Warzone 2)

  • Steam: 70GB
  • Battlenet: 706GB
  • Xbox One: 115.5GB
  • Xbox Series X/S: 107GB
  • PS4: 96.2GB
  • PS5: 105GB

Modern Warfare II + Warzone 2

  • Steam: 32.9GB
  • Battlenet: 49.3GB
  • Xbox One: 84GB
  • Xbox Series X/S: 68GB
  • PS4: 34.1GB
  • PS5: 18.1GB

Game Modes and Maps

  • El Asilo
  • Breenburgh Hotel
  • Al Bagra Fortress
  • CDL Control
  • Zarqwa Hydroelectric
  • Mercado Las Almas
  • Embassy
  • CDL Hardpoint
  • CDL Search and Destroy

Map Navigation

The same with other Battle Royal Games, Call of Duty: Warzone 2 drops players on a sprawling map. From there, a lobby of players needs to find items and weapons and fight to be the last squad or man standing.

For those who are new to this Battle Royale game, Warzone 2 starts with a player with his squad dropping from a cargo plane to their chosen location with a parachute.

The named locations on the Al Mazrah map are the best places to land. These locations or points of interest provide enough loot for the entire team; at least, they can get their custom loadouts.

The Safe Zone

The Safe Zone is another critical factor in Modern Warfare II Warzone 2 map navigation, indicated by a white circle. To stay true to the Battle Royale genre, Warzone 2 map decreases in size periodically because of the poisonous gas’ looming cloud.

Call of Duty: Warzone 2 added a new mechanic: the Safe Zone can be split into multiple circles. This gives players more flexibility on where they can loot. On the other hand, this makes the combat area smaller.

Movement Mechanics

When outmaneuvering the opponents in Call of Duty: Warzone 2, movement is the key. Players have four basic movements on foot: jumping, sliding, prone, and sprinting.

Jumping is commonly used when getting over walls and traversing through windows. Players can go up to the obstacle by pressing the jump button.

Sliding helps players quickly reposition themselves during a fast descent or fight on a hill. Since players cannot shoot while sliding, the option is to slide and get behind the cover.

In the prone position, players can hide in covers like bushes to get the drop without being suspected. If the opponents spot them, they risk being a sitting duck.

The Tactical Sprint helps speed up the Operator’s space. But after a few seconds, players slow down to the regular sprinting speed.

Call of Duty: Warzone 2 introduced a more advanced mechanic, dolphin diving. This move is effective for closing distances. It involved a jumping motion and finding cover behind a building or wall.

Players can use vehicles spread across the map if they want a faster way to get around. This is particularly critical if they hope to make a beeline for a loadout drop or Stronghold.

Players can fuel their vehicles using gas cans around the map at gas stations.

Weapon, Equipment, and Combat 

The gameplay of Warzone 2 is dictated by the guns that players use. Typically, a standard loadout includes perks, lethal and tactical equipment, a primary weapon, and a secondary weapon.

Primary Weapons

Sniper Rifles

This powerful, long-range weapon has a strong recoil. It has a limited magazine capacity.

Marksman Rifles

This high-damage, slow-firing weapon can fit in between Snipe Rifle and Assault Rifle.

Light Machine Guns (LMG)

This heavy-hitting, slower automatic weapon has a high-capacity magazine.


This close-range weapon fires buckshot ammo, which rips through enemies with dispersed pellet damage.

SubmaCHINE Guns (SMG) 

This fully automatic, compact weapon has faster firing, perfect for close-range combat.

Battle Rifles 

This rifle variant has stronger damage output and range but less ammo and a harsher spray.

Assault Rifles

This go-to standard weapon is effective in medium-range engagements.

Secondary Weapons


This hand-based weapon is suitable for finishing up-close enemies before they can reload.


This niche, hard-hitting weapon is effective in deal vehicles and causes splash damage.


This close-range backup weapon can be a primary weapon when running out of bullets.

Gunsmith and Attachments

Players can check out the Gunsmith tab to fine-tune their weapons. They are allowed to add up to five attachments to their gun that change their weapon stats in the entire game.

Since attachments differentiate from each other, players need to work on what is available for their particular loadout.

Below is a breakdown of every weapon stat:

  • Control
  • Mobility
  • Fire Rate
  • Range
  • Damage
  • Accuracy

Players should play Warzone 2 with their guns equipped and level up through contracts, assists, kills, and other in-game actions to unlock different attachments.

Supply Boxes

Besides finding lost items on the ground, players can open loot caches containing cash, ammo, and guns. These caches emit audible hum players can follow to locate a supply box. To open the box, players have to walk up until the prompt appears. Then, press F.


Besides the loadout players have in hand, Call of Duty: Warzone 2 added a new Backpack mechanic. This allows them to carry more items.

Players can stock up on killstreaks, armor plates, and bullets if they find them lying on the ground. All they need to do is press down the arrow for controller players or the Tab.

Loadouts and Loadout Drops

Loadout drops are among the best bets when getting a full bag of weapons. Warzone 2 gives players assurance in loot using loadouts. These are pre-determined sets of equipment, perks, and guns that players can set in the pre-game lobby.

When players have enough cash, they can call in a loadout drop to deliver their preferred armaments. But other players can hear the supply helicopter. They can even see the drop’s smoke.

Buy Station

This stationary stockpile fulfills every player’s needs for a price. They can purchase items like loadout drops, armor plates, killstreaks, etc.

Since buy stations are marked on a map of everyone, enemies can camp players if they are not fast enough with their purchases.

Perk Packages 

Perk packages are only available through the player’s loadout and loadout drops. These passive benefits help boost the player’s Operator abilities to charge into the fray.

For a drop in Al Mazrah, here is a perk package that a player can lock and load:

Double Time 

This perk doubles the Tactical Sprint’s duration. It also increases the crouch movement speed by up to 30%.


This perk spots enemy equipment, killstreaks, and field upgrades through walls. It also hacks enemy claymores, trophy systems, C4s, and proximity mines.


The tracker helps players see markers at enemy death locations. It also hides the death markets they kill.


This perk is undetectable by Heartbeat Sensors, Radar Drones, and UAVs.

Lethal and Tactical Equipment 

This equipment set is common among loadout drops and loots that help players on the battlefield.

The lethal equipment often includes explosive qualities like C$s and grenades. But players can also find fiery Molotov cocktails and deadly throwing knives.

Tactical equipment offers more diverse usage on the field. Besides common options like a smoke grenade and flash, players can load up a stim to replenish their stamina and health or detect enemies with a snapshot grenade in the blast radius.

Final Thoughts 

Undoubtedly, Call of Duty: Warzone 2 is today’s most famous online multiplayer game. The latest updates indeed make every player’s gaming experience more exciting and attract more gamers.

Hopefully, this guide has given you enough ideas on how to play and enjoy Call of Duty: Warzone 2. Also check out our article on Call of Duty Advanced Warfare for nostalgia, hopefully a Black Ops version is in the herizon!


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I am a gaming and technology enthusiast with a long history in building computers and playing the games that run on them. I spent several years selling computer components, network infrastructure, and a large amount of other technology related devices. I have a vast amount of knowledge when it comes to technology hardware. I have consulted in various gaming publications, and have written research papers on the gaming industry. My current focus is on revolutionary gaming technology being utilized in other industries.

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